Remove Autorun.inf virus

1. Click Start--> Run
2. Type cmd to open up the command prompt.
3. Change your directory to any on off your directory by using syntax driveletter: For example C:

4. Then type the command "attrib" in the prompt it display the list of executable files in the current directory.
5. Check whether autorun.inf file is present or not.
6. If present then you have to follow all the following steps to remove that file.
7. First you have to remove the power it is having for read only attribute etc…
8. The attribute depends on viruses.
9. One common step to remove all its properties is type the following command in the command prompt:- attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
10. -s to remove its system attribute, -h to remove its hidden attribute and -r to remove the read only attribute.
12. You can use this steps to remove any of the files which has this properties.
13. Then type the following command:-
del autorun.inf.
14. Now you have successfully deleted the file after you deleted the file restart your computer or remove your pendrive and plug it again.

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