An easy way to find out when your last reboot was

Have you wondered when your system had a reboot, and you are using Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista or 7, there are a couple of ways to obtain this information.

Method 1: Windows NT/2000 and XP

Open command prompt

Go to Start ---> Run--->

Now type cmd.

When the command prompt has loaded, type “net stats srv” (or “net statistics server”).

Method 2: Windows XP and beyond

In command prompt, type “system info” which will also provide you with your PC’s uptime.

Method 3: Windows Vista and beyond

For those using Vista or Windows 7, right click the taskbar and choose “Task Manager” or “Start Task Manager”. Click “Performance” tab and on the bottom right of the window you can see your system uptime.

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Tech @ InkAPoint said...

Method 2 is not working dude.

All others are working fine. Thank you.