Login without a username and password

Are you wondering how you can login without a username and password? It is simple. Some of the sites you come across during your daily browsing activity expects you to register and then only do they allow you to access their content. How many registrations can you do? You get bored!!

In order to avoid the hassle, there is a website which offers you an user name and a password for the website you need to login to for free. All you need to do is to go to BugMeNot.

Type in the address of the website you need a login info and then you get a list of usernames and passwords for that site. The most successful one is listed at the top. Use it in the site. If the username and password work, click Yes so that the correct login info stays at the top. If it doesn't work, click No and use the second login info.

You can also submit a login of any site you can info of and help the internet community


Update: There is a firefox addon for BugMeNot which helps you to easily login to restricted sites.

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laxman said...

Awesome tip this is..It sucks when all the sites for registration for all the info needed.

Good info you have here..keep up the good work..
